1.5 After acceptance and publication

1.5.1 After acceptance and before publication, Publication Fee needs to be payed: 4.500 Bath (suspended for the first year – until September 2024). Publication Fee applies for Research and Review Articles only.

1.5.2 Proof

A proof will be sent to the corresponding author.

1.5.3 E-prints (will JCBIS provide the corresponding author access to a PDF file of their final article?)

1.5.4 Online First publication (does this option exist?)

1.5.5 Publication (policy on hard copy)

1.5.6 Promoting your article

While publication indicates a vital step in your research performance, publication is not the end of the process. It is in the authors interest to get the published article as widely read and cited as possible, and you can help in his process via your personal social media activities.