Journal Information

Journal Information


JCBIS journal aim to meet international standards by attaching importance to publishing articles which are accurate reliable within a framework based on internationally accepted research and publishing principles. We also ensure compliance with ethical standards and good practice for publishing research papers


Issues:                       2 issues per year: April and August; one special Issue December

Special issue:           We welcome suggestions for special issues, one per year

Call for paper:         We welcome continuous paper submission for the topics covered by JCBIS

                                   and you are welcome to contact the co-editor, Dr. Christian Ploberger

                                   ( directly to discuss potential topics. In

                                   addition to offering the opportunity of organizing special Issues (at

                                   least 4 papers required) we also have a dedicated PhD paper section

                                   for inviting PhD students to present parts of their PhD thesis.

                                   Abstracts (200 words) to be send to:

Contact address:


Editorial department of JCBIS Journal is located at the Chakrabongse Bhuvanarth International College for Interdisciplinary Studies (JCBIS) Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok (RMUTTO).