1.1.1 Article Types

Include research articles, review articles, book reviews, section for Ph.D student papers

1.1.2 Author responsibility

Author responsible for the article or corresponding author (if there are more than one author) must submit the article to JCBIS co-editor via editorjcbis@rmutto.ac.th. After receiving your file, a confirmation e-mail will be sent. 

Any of the article types mentioned above are only considered for publication, if they are not already have been published before (journal article, book chapter) or are pending for publication in another journal or book project. Therefore, the submitting author has to confirm that this is not the case.

In submitting a paper for being considered to be published, the author and co-authors (if applicable) are confirming that the information provided are neither distorted nor false.

1.1.3 Peer Review Policy

All article types have to pass a double-blind review process successfully, which should not take longer than 12 weeks

Peer review policy consist of two steps. At first, the editorial team will review the article to verify if the article is within the scope of the journal and its academic value. If the editorial teams decide that those criteria have been made, the article will then be forwarded two reviewers who will assess the academic quality and relevance of the article. During this stage neither the reviewers nor the author of the paper will know each other identity (double-blind peer review). Based on the outcome of the peer review process (accepted/accepted with minor corrections/major corrections / failed) the author will be asked to address the topics mentioned. After witch the paper will be reassessed by the reviewer. If they are satisfied with the required correction made the paper will be published.

1.1.4 Publication Ethics

To ensure the operation of JCBIS journals to meet international standards which attaches importance to the publishing of articles which is accurate reliable through a process that is based on internationally accepted principles. In addition, to ensure compliance with ethical standards and good practice for publishing research papers, the following ethical standards have been established: roles and duties of editors, peer reviewers, and authors.

All manuscripts are accepted for publication under the copyright of the Chakrabongse Bhuvanarth International College of Interdisciplinary Studies/ Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok. All, or partial reproductions require written approval from JCBIS, IMSP or RMUTTO. Excluding errors that occur during the printing process, all content contained in the article is the responsibility of the author. NOTE: article submitted must be correct in accordance with the specified writing/reference guidelines stated below, otherwise manuscript will not be considered for peer review and publication.